Sunday, May 13, 2007

100 things

I'm so vain, because this blog IS about me....

2 of the blogs that I read had birthdays last month and the authors wrote 100 things about themselves. I forget what their inspiration was for it, but I thought they were both very enjoyable to read, so I am mimicking their blogs. I hope you enjoy mine as much as I enjoyed theirs.

Oh yea, tomorrow I turn 28! I'm posting it tonight because tomorrow I don't think I'll want to make the time.

100 things:

1. The cat doors at our house were probably a larger motivator for us buying the house than it should have been.
2. I know we bought the right house because after we closed, we celebrated by going to Steak and Shake and while we were eating our wedding song played on the Muzak.
3. Elvis is the King...
4. we had him sing at our wedding.
5. We have 2 cats, Ainsley(hers) and Min(mine)
6. At some point after bringing Min home, we seemed to have switched...her cat who didn't really like me follows me around and is waiting for me when I exit the shower every day.
7. Min pays more attention to Hugs.
8. I like to run in the hilly Metroparks here in town.
9. Earlier this week, a girl was passing me before I went up a huge hill, so I kept pace with her up the hill.
10. I thought I was going to die at the top of the hill.
11. It doesn't hurt my ego that I got passed up by a girl. I'm slow and I know it.
12. Running relaxes me. It makes me feel refreshed, like mass.
13. Sometimes mass works better than running, or vice versa.
14. I try to plan out everything.
15. When I get overwhelmed about my planning and feel like I lose control, it gets to a certain point combustion point and I start laughing at myself for being so foolish and planning too much.
16. It's like an inside joke with me and God. I think he's laughing at me when I laugh at me about making plans.
17. I had a good Easter this year.
18. I had a good Easter because at some point I had a deepening of my faith.
19. I've been Catholic now for 4 years.
20. I think it's funny how guys I know who get married in Catholic churches to Catholic women, never become practicing Catholics.
21. I love my wife.
22. I love the fact she is smarter than me.
23. That way when I don't know what to do I can ask someone smarter than me.
24. Most of the time she is right.
25. I brag that I married up.
26. We got married in the church where I went through RCIA.
27. I miss that church.
28. It had a frisbee golf course kitty-corner from it.
29. It's the best frisbee golf course I've ever played on.
30. We are expecting our first child this October.
31. My wife is pretty scared.
32. She's scared of the birth a bit.
33. The rest of the scaredness comes from fear of what my spawn will do as a child.
34. When I was 5 I killed a toad with a stick for no reason.
35. My babysitter thought I was going to be the next Dahmer.
36. I can see why my wife worries. Birthing is just 1 day, putting up with things like #34 day in and day out could be tiresome.
37. I think I only killed 1 toad intentionally.
38. 1 more benefit of my reel lawnmower is that I can put my kid in one of those backpack things and cut the grass with him/her on my back.
39. I can't wait until next summer and I can put my kid in one of those backpack things and cut the grass. It'll be sweet!
40. Hugs bought me a battery powered weed whacker and I can't wait to use it.
41. I get pissed the people don't think more about helping the environment.
42. Gasoline prices are just plain absurd. Of course prices rise over time, but at this rate?
43. I wish I still had my Festiva.
44. The only bad thing about it was that it the door were made of hardened aluminum foil.
45. My ex girlfriend who was 'heavy hipped' dented the door with her hips by trying to nudge the door shut.
46. I was really blessed in college to be friends with so many foreigners.
47. Those goofball foreigner friends of mine really opened my eyes and were a hell of alot of fun.
48. I wish me and my college gang were still able to hang out.
49. It's funny that most of my foreign language knowledge from them is bad words in Ukrainian and Arabic.
50. I never played any sports in school except track in the 7th grade.
51. I ran the mile and 1/2 mile.
52. I came in last place every time, except once I tied this fat kid from another team for last place in the 800.
53. It was the only time people were cheering as I crossed the finish line.
54. My fasted mile was 6 minutes and 52 seconds.
55. I wonder if I could beat that now?
56. I ran a 5k 2 summers ago at our old parish, it was pretty cool.
57. I might run another one this summer, I'm just sheepish because I'm too cheap to pay the 20 dollar entrance fee.
58. My favorite band is Pearl Jam.
59. I can sing along to any of their songs...or at least mumble like Eddie does.
60. I've been to 5 of their concerts.
61. Each concert just keeps getting better.
62. A new band I like alot is Muse.
63. We went to see them last summer in Detroit.
64. 5 minutes into the concert I knocked some girl over and didn't know it.
65. She came up to me and pushed me and shouted some expletives at me and I really had no clue what she was talking about.
66. I still feel kinda bad about that. I'd hate to ruin someone else's concert experience.
67. I always wear earplugs at concerts.
68. Amanda makes fun of Muse.
69. Ask her do to her imitation of Muse next time you see her. She makes a noise like the teacher from the Charlie Brown cartoon except she drags out the syllables (both of them).
70. I've watched Pulp Fiction too much because every time the toaster ejects my toast, I shoot John Travolta with my automatic weapon.
71. Movies glorify smoking.
72. It only looks cool when they do it, not me.
73. I'm glad the only addictive habit that I picked up in college was weightlifting.
74. My coworkers tease me that after Peanut is born I'll lose all my muscles.
75. I wonder what will happen with having a baby and me weightlifting?
76. I really have to laugh at myself when I worry about things I can't control.
77. Sometimes I really can't believe that I have 2 college degrees.
78. Someday I'll have to get fancy frames for them and hang them up.
79. Maybe in our new house....along with those sunset pictures I keep taking on vacation.
80. With all that education you'd think that I could pronounce 'probably' correctly.
81. I say 'prob-lee'.
82. I hope we really enjoy the parish in the town we are moving to.
83. The one where we are at is okay, but it just feels too rich for us.
84. Maybe if we participated more and gave more time and talent.
85. We signed up, but then bought a house in another town so we were forced to opt out.
86. I really miss our last church.
87. I really miss the gardening club at our last church.
88. What I really liked about it was that I was helping others while I gardened and that made me feel really good.
89. One of the best feelings I ever had at that church was helping out all day at a community church sale. All day long I carried chairs, tables, desks and other furniture out to cars. I sweated through my shirt so badly that you could see salt lines. It was all worth it because at the end of the day I got free pizza.
90. That doesn't beat the feeling I felt when the music started at our wedding and Amanda started walking towards me.
91. I'm glad the church where we were married had the 2nd longest aisle in town.
92. It was something like 150 feet long.
93. It's nice being the groom, you can just stand there and enjoy the view. That's what I did.
94. If Peanut is a girl, I thought of a great name, but Amanda keeps vetoing it.
95. My only solution is to have enough daughters so I can wear her down.
96. I should remain calm and focus on one child at a time. Sometimes that's difficult.
97. Sometimes I wish I would have joined the Marines and became a lawyer so that I would have an easier time running for a political office.
98. Engineers don't get elected to office often enough because we aren't good liars.
99. I was President of Tau Beta Pi for one year as an undergraduate and now I think I can be President of anything.
100. I'll stick with being an Electrical Engineer for now, it's satisfying!



Anonymous said...

Dude, you CAN be president of anything.

Thoroughly enjoyed it. Thanks! And happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

Loved it! What a great idea.

Happy Birthday!

And, Happy Mother's Day to Amanda.


Barbara said...

Hey! I have that same Scotts lawn mower and lo-o-ove it. I also have the sharpening kit, used it once, seems to work well.

DH occasionally expresses a wish for one of the rotary types, but I won't let him get one.