Monday, July 16, 2007

I went golfing last friday with a bunch of people from work. I did pretty well. This is what everybody else in my house thinks of golf.

I think that too. It takes too much effort and money for me to take it seriously. I like free hobbies like frisbee golf, watching star wars movies over and over and weightlifting.

My mom came into town friday and stayed until sunday. Saturday my uncle and his wife and kids came over and we had a cookout. My cousins (13 years old) then ravaged the pond in our neighborhood. We missed the sign that said no fishing. It was worth it since they caught the "Mother of all Bluegill" and the "Granddaddy of all Bluegill".

Then yesterday we bought our first family car.

It's just accident, but the light green shirt does match the light green car. We looked all day sunday and found this one.

I did some reading online on how used car dealers try and hose you and the first dealership we stopped at used all of the tactics. He talked up the car we were interested in, he called it "our car", talked down our trade in ("what's that engine noise? It seems loud."), said that they had already had it sold to someone else for a higher price and he actually held up the calculator to show us how much money they were losing with our opening offer.

Oh, I'm sorry, like I care if you lose money. If you had it sold to someone else for the higher price, why is it still here?

Of course, he wouldn't give us enough for our trade in, so I said "fine, no deal" and we left. I felt so empowered. It may be a lame thing to feel empowered about, but we weren't falling for it.

But anyway, we found this snazy little Malibu Maxx at a little dealership in town, however they were closed on sunday. Amanda went back on monday, drove it, talked numbers with the guy and got it for under what we wanted to spend. I am very proud of my wife's wheelin' and dealin'.

The car is nice too!

So now we have not only a 4 door family car, but a wagon to boot!

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