Wednesday, October 24, 2007

pretty fall colors and closer to the sun

So this weekend I was out and about. On sunday I was out in the sun for a good stretch of time and ended up getting sunburned on half of my face. I was wearing my sunglasses so I have the reverse raccoon look here in mid-October in Ohio. I look like Richard Dreyfuss from 'Close Encounters of the Third Kind'. It's fading now, but monday I was teased alot at work. My boss couldn't even look at me and keep a straight face, which made it tough to have a meeting with him. Tuesday it was still there, just faded a bit. Also on tuesday one of my coworkers was teasing me and asked if I "was on another planet, or something, closer to the sun...on Mars or something?".

Yup, I was closer to the sun on the planet Mars. Mars is further away from the sun than Earth in case you forgot your My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas -- although Pizza is no longer a planet, but that's beside the point. The point is, somebody tried to tease me and it backfired. Ha! That's what that jarheaded Marine gets!

This is how our backyard looked when I came home today. Pretty nice, huh? The red leaves are really lit up because of the sunsetting on them which made for a great picture.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's beautiful! Thanks for posting!