Sunday, February 24, 2008

week update

I had monday off as a holiday, but I made up that time at work tuesday through saturday. I'm feeling the deadline pressure looming. My boss asks me "Are you feeling the pressure?" I replied "Yeah" --in a 'you ain't fricking kidding, dude' tone. He responded "Good." It's hard to explain, but it was a healthy work conversation. My workload, like everything else in life, is like a sinusoidal wave and right now I'm headed to the maximum amplitude point of the curve. So I'm tired, but hopeful and not worrying.

Although it really sucks only seeing my kid for 30 minutes in the morning and maybe 30 more at night. That's the hardest part of being a parent so far.

The best part about today was after I left work I picked up X from Amanda at her sewing class and went over to Barnes and Nobles and bought a magazine and a Tazo green tea from Starbucks (gross drink --do not get this!) and sat a read and X slept. When Amanda came by after her class and picked us up I felt so refreshed. It was like I took a nap.

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