Saturday, April 5, 2008

Day Seven through Twelve

On Sunday we were invited to a guys house to have a traditional English breakfast. It was great! Carrot and curryander (sp?) soup, roast, veggies, worchester pudding (not really pudding) and for dessert spotted dick. I'll just come right out and say it...

I ate the spotted dick. The spotted dick was good. I had seconds on the spotted dick.

Spotted dick is a sweet bread with custard and currants.

The rest of the days are a bit of a blur. We worked late every night and seeking a new pub to eat at wasn't as high of a priority as getting back to the hotel to go to bed was.

Driving back to Heathrow at 4am the GPS was a godsend again because I had to take a detour and when I went off course the GPS automatically recalculated the roads to take.

Overall it was a great time.

Some other thoughts I had while I was there...
The forearm tattoo is big over in England.

So is smoking! Thank heavens that the smoking bans in the UK are strict like they are over here in the US.

Alright, the jet lag is starting to catch up to me a little bit...need to get to bed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Chris that is awesome!

I wish I wrote about my Ireland trip last year right after I came back to US.

Although I didn't have a Strongbow, I did have something similar that's called Balmers. The girls love it.

Driving on the opposite side of the road is something else, but by the end of the trip I got used to it too. GPS helped us a lot too. Although one time it confused us because of the new road that was build and it wasn't what the GPS was showing us. That was interesting.

I know people talk about jet leg, but I don't seem to get it.

But let me tell you something, I was so glad to be getting back to US and the wide open roads. I was so sick of the narrow small roads. It reminded me so much of Ukraine.

