Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Book review club

I started a book review club. So far I'm the only member. Here is a summary of the group's recent adventures in page turning...

Harlan Coben, The Innocent

I read this on my trip across the pond. I really don't know who a master of suspense is, but the author did a great job of keeping me interested in the plot with all of the twists and turns. I liked the characters that he created in the story and I thought I really got to know them in on a close personal level. I really felt for the main character, the twist that his life takes is something that could have happened to me. Or still could.

Great book! I'll read Harlan Coben again.

Tom Clancy, The Hunt for Red October

I picked this book up for a dollar at a rummage sale last fall. I thought I would really like it since way back in 2002 I desperately picked up Rainbow Six on a whim at LAX and really loved it. I started it back in November, but fell off the wagon and just now got around to finishing it. I really didn't find it that interesting. It's about a Russian submarine. There's a movie about it. It was like reading the play by play of a chess match. Well, it wasn't that boring, but it took my stubborn streak for force myself to pick it back up and finish it.

I won't give up on old Tom just yet.

David Baldacci, Simple Genius

I found this book last summer during a layover on a trash can at LAX. This was another one of those that I started, but loaned to a coworker, then I read some other books and then came back to this and finally finished it. The story was pretty good, but in the middle it became a bit drawn out.

"Oh, we're two private detectives and we ran out of clues. Oh, but wait, we can investigate this! Oh, we are out of clues again. But wait, we can investigate this! Out of clues la la, what to do, oh wait, we can investigate this!"

All in all it was a pretty good book. I didn't have any expectations from Baldacci, so I wasn't too let down. Let's just say I wasn't as let down as when I read The Hunt for Red October.

Now I'm onto reading The Sphere by Micheal Crichton. I've never read anything by him before. I have high expectations from him.

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