Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I just found out that my mom is on facebook. That almost ruins it for me....and the wife agrees.

If you found out your mom was on facebook, how would you feel?
A. ruin it for you
B. yea - another friend to keep up with
C. indifference

I keep flip flopping between A and C.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


I finished reading Dune by Frank Herbert this past week. You wouldn't like it, it's science fiction. But there was a movie based on the book made back in the 80's with Sting and the soundtrack is by Toto, so you know that's going to be awesome!

I can't stay off of facebook or wikipedia long enough to put down something to make this post interesting!!!

Friday, January 2, 2009

college textbooks

I just posted a couple of semesters worth of college textbooks that Amanda and I have been hauling around these 8 and 6 years, respectively, since undergrad, online to try and sell them. Some of them I still have the pricetags still on them, $75, $85, $65, ridiculously inflated prices. It is woefully disgusting how much money they cost us, and how useless they are to me now.

It makes me wish I wasn't so damn anal retentive when I was in school. I was one of those college kids who blindly went into the bookstore and bought what was recommended for the course. In hindsight that wasn't too bright.

Another good idea would have been to see if the professor even used the stinking $70 dollar textbook for the class! I made that mistake a couple of times.

It would have been smart to sell some of them back at the end of the semester. There were some I could have, some I knew I should keep and others that were in between. What would have been smart was if I sold them back when I graduated, by that time I had a good idea of what I found useful and useless. And which fields I wanted to get a job in --meaning which books I could unload back to the bookstore.

Flipping through some of them actually brought back sharp memories of aggravation, frustration, success and horrid disgust. Infinitesimal analysis *shudder*.

my kindhearted wife

Yesterday, Amanda, Xander and I were driving and I asked her what the speed limit was as we coincidentally passed some roadkill.

"Fast enough to kill a cat" she replied.


Then she says "...but slow enough to give it hope."

That kept all of us laughing for the next mile. That's something funny about our kid too, if we laugh he just starts laughing.