Monday, September 7, 2009

more helicopter

This was last weekend when I started assembling the new helicopter by using the old one as a template. I borrowed my neighbors jigsaw to make all of the circular cuts and it was a lifesaver.

Our neighbors were throwing out a ceiling fan so it became the propeller.

The landing gear.

Another neighbor built a fence last year out of lattice. I used some of his broken leftover pieces for the rear tail.

I still need the rear propeller. I'm paying a coworker to fashion something for me. Hopefully he'll have that to me this week.

I started painting this weekend and put 2 coats on and realized that the plywood was going to suck all the paint up and I needed primer. So then I ran out and bought some primer and primed it. I need to put another coat on there then I'll go back to painting. It should look like a giant bumblebee when I'm done.

1 comment:

Dandysue said...

Did you say bumblebee? SwEEEEt!!!