You aren't going to believe this crap. So we keep having visitors over to our house and we are overjoyed at the gobs of green goodness growing in our garden, however, there has been a slight hiccup. I've realized that my green and banana peppers have been looking a little funny. By 'funny', I mean, the seeds that I planted weren't growing up to look like the starter pepper we put in next to our tomatos.
I keep holding my breath thinking that one day they'll match up or suddenly they'll sprout a little pepper and everything will be fine and I can rest assured that I am indeed growing peppers. So we have a heavy rain and now the peppers have fallen over and are now growing along the ground. What the deuce?!
So the in-laws visit over the weekend and my MIL mentions that those peppers look like pumpkins. Dude, no, I distinctly remember picking up bell and banana pepper seeds from Ace. Then we have some friends over for s'mores saturday night and I mock my MIL's comment about them being pumpkin vines. Dude, no. I can see the package of seeds in my head. Not pumpkin!
So this morning over breakfast it dawns on Amanda that last year when we carved pumpkins we threw the insides into the compost pile. Months go by and I use my compost pile to fertilize my new garden. Aaaaaah ha!
Anybody know a pumpkin salsa recipe?
So now I have 9 tomato plants, 1 pepper, and 10 pumpkin vines.