Monday, October 27, 2008

on a recent flight

I spent this past week in California for work. On my flight back I had the window seat and a woman and her significant other had the middle and aisle seats, respectively. I boarded the plane, entertained myself by proceeding to tear into my greasy steak, egg and cheese sandwich. By the time we had achieved our cruising altitude the woman and man were asleep. I think the term, passed out, might have been more appropriate but I'm not certain.

Over 2 hours pass by and I have to pee. They are asleep and I don't want to bother them, but there is no way that I can get by them without waking them. I tap the woman on her wrist. No response. I feel anxiety over having to work harder to get her to wakeup, it's just not something I want to do. Both her and her man are completely zonked out. I tap her harder on her shoulder. She then wakes up then wakes up her man and I get out and go to the bathroom.

I come back from the bathroom and as I'm sitting down the guy says something which I think was directed at me, but at the time I though he was talking to her --something like thanks for waking me up. I didn't think anything of it, because I make an effort to ignore everyone else when I travel.

So we land and I make a phone call while we are taxing and beginning to de-plane. Right before the woman and her man get up, he says to me (clearly directed to me this time) "Thanks for not waking us up during that long flight. That was clutch." Then he hops up and leaves the plane and she follows.

I was so shocked that he said that to me I sat there grinning in shock and the people behind me started exiting. I couldn't believe it. What a joker! Any sort of level headed person should realize that you can't be upset with someone for needing to take a leak during a 3 hour and 20 minute flight. Sitting in the aisle seat on a plane ride you should never expect to not be bothered.

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