Sunday, September 7, 2008


Xander and I ran our first official 5k together today and it was awesome! We've been running together since it's been nice this spring and we have a good time on saturday mornings when we go out.

I ran a pretty good race and finished with 26:10. I ran the first mile in 7 minutes, but then completely fell off the pace when they introduced the hills. My 5k route that I take through our neighborhood twice a week has no hill action what-so-ever. Nothing. So when I get these itty bitty hills, my legs cried revolt!

It was pretty awesome though because the race takes place 15 minutes before our local parade starts and the streets are lined with onlookers. Xander and I were the first parent-kid combo to run along the route and I ran in a wake of "oh, look at the baby", "ohh, how cute", "now that's how I like to run"; as Xander relaxed and enjoyed the scenery. There was even a female onlooker who crooned "whooo-hooo 121!". It's tough to laugh when you are wheezing and gasping for air.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great job! Very impressive and sooo cute! - Mandy