Monday, September 1, 2008

did you hear that?

That was the sound of me falling off of the blogging bandwagon. KerthUMP.

I'll put something up here interesting once I'm not working a crapload of hours.

The cool things to talk about like our front yard that we are trying to landscape or the garden have fallen by the wayside because my weekends have been occupied with work. Thank goodness I haven't had to cut the grass.

I'm timid to admit this but I'm reading one of the wife's chick novels starring Stephanie Plum; it's pretty funny. One for the Money is the title. It's a nice easy mindless read that takes place in New Jersey. Lately I've read books that are based in NJ...each one of them talks about how gross and disgusting it is...and for some reason I still would like to visit. Or at least go to Jay and Silent Bob's Secret Stash in Redbank, NJ.

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