Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I've had to travel to Boston quite a bit recently for work. On my last flight there last week I have the window seat, a Bostonian woman has the middle seat and a Texas gentleman has the aisle. During the decent into Logan (Boston's Airport) the Bostonian and the Texan start chatting. Their topics were the usual boring where are you headed, what do you do, where will you be staying chit chat that strangers have on an airplane.

At some point during my eavesdropping, she tells the fella (I'm trying to type accents here, so use your imagination) "You gotta go to Haavaaahd squwair. There is this greaat place called Fiya an Yce (Fire and Ice). They have gweat dwink specials an' the menu is auwsome."

The Texan says "Whuut's the naame agaain?"

She replies "Fiya an Yce."

Then he says "Culd you repeat that again?"

Again she says "Fiya an Yce."

Then it clicks for the Texan..."Oh, Fiyer and Iyce."

South meets northeast and the communication barrier is bridged.

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