Sunday, January 13, 2008

catching up

I spent the past week in Baltimore for work. It went well. There were some unexpected hiccups that I had to work around and were difficult, but...that's the only way you learn. I had crabcakes every night which was good and a couple of fancy beers. I feel like I'm a crabcake connoisseur now. Yingling was one of them and it's only available in Maryland, I think. I just know you can't get it here in Ohio. I recommend it.

We had a great weekend around the house though. We watched Tremors friday night. Man, that was a funny movie. When I realized the dad from the tv show Family Ties was playing a gun toting, crazy, shoot-em-up lunatic I nearly died laughing. Then at the end when the killer earthworms had the people trapped on the roofs I was losing it!

Saturday night we had our game night. I forgot to send the email invite out and we had a lower turnout than usual, but I still ate my fill of beer cheese fondue, so nothing else matters.

Today I hung some used cabinets in the garage in what will become my second man area. I already have one in the basement but my needs for a macho-sawdust-grease-gun-monkey-wrench-hammer and nails area has increased. Eventually (maybe later this month) I'll build a little workbench area under it.

I picked up the cabinet for the garage and one for Amanda's craft area at this resale shop here in town. It's like Home Depot's version of Salvation Army. I'll hang the cabinet downstairs in the basement for Amanda once my design gets the blessing of the mechanical engineers at work. See, I can't bolt it into the concrete wall and I have to hang it from the floor joyces and I just want another opinion on what to do.

And now we are caught up.

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