Sunday, January 27, 2008

Spartacus -- a real tough guy

We watched Spartacus this past weekend. It almost took all weekend too because the movie is 3 hours long. Watching this movie got me to thinking that these days there are no longer any tough guys in the movies. Sure, we have these big muscle bound guys like Arnold and The Rock. But they aren't tough guys. Sure they might have cooler fight scenes because Jet Li's cousin is the fight sequence choreographer, but they aren't tough. They aren't bad. They don't have grit. They don't make me want to try and walk with a swagger.

Here's my tough guy actor list in the order they float to the top of my head.
1. Kirk Douglas
2. Paul Newman
3. Jack Palance
4. John Wayne
5. Steve McQueen
6. Clint Eastwood

Honorable mention.
1. Harrison Ford
2. Sly Stallone (excluding everything but Rocky 1)
3. Al Pacino
4. Bruce Willis (pre-head shaving days --the cue ball look detracts from toughness)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good point, but I also think it's relative and the tough guy changes accordingly with time. Like Matt Damon in Bourne series is a total modern bad ass in my opinion.

You shouldn't forget Russel Crowe in Gladiator. 3:10 to Yuma is another good new western he's in.

Maybe we should define bad ass.

But I do want to watch Spartacus now and some of the other movies of tough guys from your list.
