Wednesday, April 16, 2008

dr visit and other news

I'm starting to grow up. There have been 2 new developments around here that tell me that. The first is there is a new radio station in town that plays 90's music (93 up to some new stuff...skipping some garbage from 00-04) that is fricking awesome. That's got to be a sign that I'm ...oooh, ...I hate to say it, aging. However the radio station is awesome! It takes me way, way back to 95 and 96.

Second is the fact that we have a family doctor and I went on a visit voluntarily (with minor *harrrumph* motivation from Hugs). He told me to get some blood work done, all routine, so I did that this morning.

Have you ever had blood drawn from you and had it make a noise as if it was coming out of a high pressure hose? You know the sound when you take your garden hose and go to fill up a bucket when you wash the car and the sound it makes when the water squirts into the bucket? Well, my blood did that into the test tube this morning. Of course you couldn't hear it in the next room, but I didn't imagine it.

There was something else I was going to yap about but I can't remember....must be aging to fast to remember.

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