Monday, April 28, 2008

1 project complete

Thanks to a helping hand from Sergey, I now have a nice shelf under our basement steps and rolling carts for storage. The reason behind it is we hope to create a little play area for X in the basement so that Amanda can play in her sewing area or workout and X can play and be semi-attended. In order to do that we had to make room for X's play area by getting rid of what we had stored there. So now our camping gear is stored under the stairs.

Here are 2 before pictures:

Here are the after pictures:

My next work in progress is our garden. I made a wall to go around the garden (16X5) to keep the rabbits out. I'm told that I have tomato plants arriving for my birthday....and I think we'll put in some sweet corn, zucchinni, onion and peppers. I brought some used coffee grounds home from work and put them in there today. I heard that coffee grounds are good nitrogen boost so I spread them over entire bed.

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