Sunday, August 19, 2007

I can't remember

I can't remember if anything bloggable happened this week. I worked a bunch of hours and didn't make much progress through the week on things around the house like getting ready for this kid that could show up at anytime.

However today I got some work done on the crib. I put the 2nd coat of stain on it and on the poster-board, so those are done. Although I have to come up with new hardware for the crib. I was hoping to get new wheels for it, since the current ones are old, wooden and don't roll. However, I decided that replacing them was going to be more trouble than it was worth, given my timeline, so I embarked on a science project to clean them up.

I grabbed a can of coke, some Tupperware and put the wheels in there. This is a before picture. I'm hoping it will get rid of the rust and the cursed yellow paint. So far, it's working.

When we arrived home from church today, this is what we found.

As you can see, Mom is mad.

Aaaah, Min and her toilet paper.


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