Friday, August 31, 2007

Brutus who?

And so the most obnoxious time of the year begins in Columbus, Ohio. Why is that? Because the sun rises and sets over those college boys on High street that play football on Saturdays. I'm don't have a problem with the student athletes, the coaches and trainers. I have a problem with the people who have nothing else to live for this time of year and the ENDLESS media coverage. But hey, the sun's got to shine on a dog's rear end someday; and today the sun is shining on dog butts that are painted scarlet and gray.

Yea, so we are having a house warming party tomorrow. Silly us, not being on top of the football schedule--we planned our party on the same day as the first game of the season. I had to send an addendum to the original party invitation that I had sent out to my co-workers telling them that it's okay to stop by after the game. Unlucky for them because there is some big fight with the cable companies about who is going to carry the game, so they can't watch it at our place. The day I have to get cable to watch a local football game is the day I stop following football.

So today we cleaned up the house and got ready for the party. We also went to the store and bought a station wagon full of burgers, hot dogs and beer. I was going to get a keg, but not too many heavy hitters were RSVPing...the last thing I want is leftover beer. So instead I got some cases and a mini keg of Heineken. You better get here early to get the good beer!

Off to the movies with the wife! Rush Hour 3!

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