Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Thunk, corpse, masters class, swarm, party, euchre nazis

Thunk. Thunk was the noise the morning dove made this morning as it crashed into the window of our back room. It made a nice grease spot on the glass which I'm going to have to scrub off. It didn't wash away with the hose.

Corpse. The poor little morning dove became a corpse after it bounced off our window.

At work today I took a cable off of a part, handed it to technician #1 and said "This one isn't labeled." He turns to me and says "What do you call that DUMMY!" and points at the label. Technician #2 says "They problee taught him that in master's school."

I work with some real wordsmiths, true master's of the English language.

Swarm. As I was in the garage working on Peanut's crib, Amanda notices these black things swarming in our neighbor's front lawn. There was a dozen little black things with wings circling about 3-5 feet off of the ground. I walk over there and it's dragonfly's. I've never seen that before and it was quite strange. The neighbors were a little weirded out as well.

Party! I think we are pretty set for our Labor Day Weekend Bash. It's going to be saturday from noon until whenever. I think. I just want to double check one more time at work that I won't end up having to work or travel that day and we'll send out email invitations.

Work is going pretty good. The project I'm on right now is pretty...intense/important/crucial. So 3 times in the past 2 days our President/GM has come back to the lab to check on me and see how things are going. No pressure. I think I can feel my hair falling out.

Today we had a brown out at work so while we were waiting for the power to come back on we played Euchre. Did you know that it is against the rules to deal the cards one at a time? Yup. You must deal them 2-3-2-3, 3-2-3-2, or 1-4-1-4, 4-1-4-1. If you don't and you are playing with some super-dupers Euchre Nazi's they jump all over you...which is what happened to me today.

Next time I'll deal them 0-5-0-5, 5-0-5-0.

Sometimes some people just don't grasp the realization of the situation and completely overreact. Dude, this is just a little brown out euchre...nobody is here for money. Let's all just take a deep breath.

All together now. In through the nose.

Now exhale. Out through the mouth.


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