Sunday, November 4, 2007

Browns win!!

Can you believe it, the Browns have won 3 in a row! I have no idea when the last time this happened. What a great way to end a sunday evening.

We had a pretty relaxing fun day. Went to church, where Xander continues to be a good baby and not cry. He does a little grunting and some whimpering, but nothing that isn't solved with a pacifier. I wonder how long this will last?

We got some coffee and a muffin and took our sunday drive around town trying to learn the area. Yup, we are a couple in our 20's with a kid and we take sunday drives after church. Just aimless drives with no destination and the only limit we put on it is to be home in around 30 minutes.

Organized a couple of closets under my CFO's supervision.

The in-laws showed up and we hung out and had some fun. A's dad and I puttered around the house with me and we connected the water to the fridge so now we have an ice and water dispenser that works, just in time for the winter season!

I keep looking at the clock and thinking I had better hurry up and get to bed since it's so dark outside now.

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