Friday, November 23, 2007

why yes, that is a REEL lawnmower

So today, the day after thanksgiving, I cut the grass. I feel like one of those loon's obsessed over my yard and how it looks, but really, I limit my obsessive compulsive behavior to other activities. And for all of you nay-sayers, who said I'd be giving up my reel lawnmower by Memorial day or by the end of the summer, I'd just like to point out that it's the day after thanksgiving and Rocky's calling it an end to his first season. As of right now, Rocky is brushed off and stored in the shed and at some point this winter I'll take him apart and sharpen his blades to ready him for season 2.

And I've figured out where I want to plant my tomatoes this spring, which means I'll have to get rid of what's there now. So, does anybody want these shrubs? They are free of charge... and if you are nice and bring me a 6 pack of fancy beer, I'll even dig them up for you.

I think I'll try and find a good salsa recipe, because I want to plant tomatoes, green peppers and maybe some jalapeƱos. What else goes in salsa?

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