Monday, May 12, 2008

Weezer and bleach

So Friday night we were in Best Buy to buy Amanda her mother's day gift, 27 Dresses. We were in the checkout line and she says "Do you still want that Weezer cd?".

"Heck yea!" I say.

So for the entire weekend I've been jamming to Weezer's first cd, the one with the Sweater Song. You know you like that song! It's going to be stuck in your head all day now.

I spent saturday afternoon playing in the yard and now I have poison ivy on my left forearm. It's kiling me! My in-laws told me to put bleach on it. Yea, while I'm at it I'll shove bamboo shoots up my fingernails and rig up a contraption to conduct self-water-board torture.

As it turns out, today at work I was mocking their home remedies to my coworkers and they back up that logic. So right now, as I resist the urge to rake a jagged piece of broken glass across my forearm, I am wondering where we keep our bleach.

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