Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Caution!!! Wild Animal Violence!

Caution, below are images of a killer cat poaching on her realm, proceed with care.

Over the weekend I was puttering around the yard. I got rid of our old firewood storage system behind our shed a few months ago. It was two pieces of u-channel (the same green metal that street signs are mounted on) welded to two pieces of angle iron for the ends, with metal poles keeping the logs from rolling off. Well, this was no good in keeping the wood off of the ground and caused most of our firewood to rot. So I threw it out and built a new one from some treated 2 x 4's and used treated 2 x 6's as the ends.

Anyway, for the month or so from when I had thrown the old one out and built the new one last weekend I stored the remaining firewood in our firepit just off of our patio in our backyard. Well low and behold, some happy little family of mice built themselves a comfortable home there. Upon restacking the firewood one of them scampered out of there and I thought that there would be more in there.

So I asked myself, what would be better than seeing if Ainsley would chase a rabbit? I know! Ainsley chasing a mouse! So I grab Ainsley and move a couple of more logs around and scare the next mouse out. Shazaaam! The Orange Lightening Bolt returns!

I moved the picture far down there to give you a chance to not look.

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