Sunday, March 18, 2007

house hunting

Well, 5 more houses down. I think we are going to put an offer in on the house with the cat doors and Thomas Kincade paintings. However, for the time being we are going to pray on it, sleep on it, badger our parents on what to do and look for something else to come on the market. No rush.

Not only that, but the addition of me working this past year has thrown us into a different tax bracket. Not really, it's more like catapaulting a watermelon into a brick wall type of thing. We owe a disgusting amount this year. Have no fear, we already have a recommendation for an accountant. Hopefully she wears wonderwoman underoos and a cape so she can save the day.




Rob said...

You owe money? Do you not have taxes taken out of your paycheck? Well at least next year you'll have a big ol' deduction!

chicks514 said...

Yea, I thought I had it all setup correctly, but apparently not. We've got a meeting with an accountant this weekend so hopefully we can figure a way to do the math so we don't owe such a staggering amount.

Anonymous said...

Well at least you didn't give the government an interest-free loan this year.

Good luck with the house hunting, so exciting!!!


Anonymous said...

I agree exactly with what Mandy said.