Thursday, March 22, 2007

Our future home?

Whoomp here it is!

We are going to put an offer on this house shown above. We visited it twice, once with the in-laws, and have driven by it on at least 1 other occasion....and looked at it alot on the internet. We feel pretty comfortable with it....the layout, the looks, the amenities and most importantly, the price. So this weekend we are going to look at it one more time and submit all the paperwork for the offer.

It has 3 bedrooms so when you visit us no more couch, no more floor and no more air mattress!! Aren't we nice? Yes, we are!

Hope all is well with everyone!



Julie said...

Congrats!! Yay! good luck with the offer.

Anonymous said...

That looks like a really nice house! Best of luck!


Anonymous said...

Yay! But I have two important questions. 1. Will it be easy for me to find? 2. Does it have trees, so that I may TP your house in celebration of all major life events?

chicks514 said...


1. Yea, I think it will be pretty easy find, considering it is in the town of your alma mater.
2. Yes, there is a good sized one between the sidewalk and road (20 footer) and then there is a weeping cherry tree to the left of the door (can't really see it in the picture) and then in the back there are 5-7 pretty good sized pine trees.

Rob said...

Yay for the trees! Your little Peanut will appreciate those in a couple of years. Especially if you can somehow hang a swing on one!